[게재논문] Design of Personalized VR Short Video Content Distribution Algorithm based on Artificial Neural Network_중한, 최동혁, 최원호, 정위 > 학술실적

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[게재논문] Design of Personalized VR Short Video Content Distribution Algo…

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댓글 0건 조회 248회 작성일 23-03-13 13:54




Design of Personalized VR Short Video Content Distribution Algorithm based on Artificial Neural Network


-저자: 중한, 최동혁, 최원호, 정위

-vol. 13, no.12, pp.14~21.

-게재학술지명 : International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications

-발행기관명: The Science and Information Organization

-최종등재일자 : 20230101


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